Over 100 cases linked to Gymnasia Rehavia, with teacher 'super-spreader' blamed; 17 other schools, daycare centers around the country said shuttered over virus
Rev. William Taylor started London community project with friend Rabbi Avrohom Pinter, and painted 'We Grieve' on wall after Pinter's death. It's now the site of a weekly ceremony
Rabbi Rick Jacobs says that just as Jews count days between Passover and Shavuot, they now count the dead from COVID-19 and black people killed at the hands of law enforcement
Over half of companies polled say that without added funds they'll be forced to halt operations within six months; 91% report slowdown in investor funding
Students confirmed as carriers in Jerusalem's Hartman high school, Kiryat Yearim yeshiva, Katzir school in Holon, sending many into quarantine amid fear of second COVID-19 wave
Jerusalem said to return machines purchased from BGI for $25 million after HMOs say they can't use them, presenting obstacle to plans to expand daily tests to 20,000
US officials warn against flouting distancing rules during rallies following police killing of black man; Hong Kong police use virus rules to disperse pro-democracy demonstrations
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