Rami Greenberg makes online denial of allegations after police detain him and three others on suspicion of extorting organizations to fire his enemies and their family members

Company admits to bribe, fraud and breach of trust and will pay a NIS 400,000 fine; Netanyahu to attend court Wednesday as key witness Shlomo Filber begins testimony

Member of planning and construction committee was reportedly targeted by local criminals in the past; two of his sons among those arrested

Revivo to perform four months of community service and pay fine of NIS 20,000 over charges that surfaced during investigation of Likud lawmaker David Bitan

ToI founding editor David Horovitz and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discuss Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's coalition musings, and the state of Israeli corruption

If terms are approved by judge, former health minister will pay $940 fine for hindering extradition of sex offender to Australia; charges dropped in second corruption case

Following plea deal, Shas leader plans to remain active in steering the Knesset’s intricate political life, with the exception of casting votes, says party source

A corrupt society is an unhappy society, and an unhappy society lacks resilience. Israel must heed the alarm sounded by its slipping rank on a global corruption index

Jewish state ranked 29th out of 37 OECD countries; watchdog head: ‘corruption phenomenon in Israel strengthening;’ study published on day ex-minister pleads guilty to tax offenses

Haim Revivo to perform four months of community service and pay fine of NIS 20,000, over charges that surfaced as part of graft investigation against Likud MK David Bitan
