Over 100k in Tel Aviv, with Israeli Eurovision winner Netta Barzilai leading singing of national anthem; Lapid: 'Government attacked chief of staff because they hate the truth'

The text co-signed by ex-military chief Dan Halutz and former Mossad head Tamir Pardo is a response to a plan promoted in same newspaper by Ronald Lauder

September 12 hearing to be presided over by Supreme Court President Esther Hayut, Justice Uzi Vogelman and Justice Yitzhak Amit

Poll finds just 52% of Likud voters would cast ballots for party again, majority believe economic crisis should be government's priority rather than attempts to weaken judiciary

Former generals say they are 'deeply concerned' over refusal to serve due to planned judicial shakeup; some 300 Armored Corps reservists also join calls against overhaul

Former IDF chief of staff slams Likud ministers Gallant, Dichter and Barkat for 'running away from their values for political opportunism,' calls Justice Minister Levin a 'robot'

Checks and balances are being 'stripped away' by dramatic legislation, warn Tabor pre-military academy alums in open letter

National security minister fumes after cops don't use force to disperse protesters in Jerusalem who blocked roads, burned tires, saying police lost 'control of city to anarchists'

IAF personnel, including former chief of staff Dan Halutz, warn top legal officials: 'You are the last line of defense' against fundamental changes to state they fought for

Dan Halutz says internal armed conflict in Israel possible if far-right lawmaker 'tries to implement his horrible ideas'; Eisenkot urges voters to reject 'those who divide'
