In the season finale, three veteran journalists try to understand the trajectory of the new Netanyahu government

Deborah Lipstadt joins David Makovsky to discuss her current role as the State Department's Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism

What were the origins of Religious Zionism? David speaks with Professor Yehudah Mirsky about Rav Kook and the subversion of his legacy by certain members of the modern movement.

Yossi Klein Halevi discusses Israeli-Palestinian coexistence with Yousef Bashir, Director of Research & Operations for the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace

Stuart Eizenstat, a top advisor in the Carter Administration, provides a behind-the-scenes look at the decision-making leading to the Camp David Accords and more.

How did Henry Kissinger balance the US's Cold War competition with the Soviets and lay the groundwork for peace between Israel and Egypt? David and diplomat Martin Indyk discuss.

Hillel Halkin, author of 'Jabotinsky: A Life,' joins the podcast to discuss Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky and the origins of the Revisionist movement.

After millennia of homelessness for the Jewish people, Ben-Gurion oversaw the founding of Israel. What came next? David Makovsky and “Ben-Gurion” author Anita Shapira discuss.

How did Theodor Herzl come to be the father of modern Zionism? David and "Herzl's Vision" author Shlomo Avineri take a deeper look.

Walter Russell Mead, the author of 'The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People,' discusses the centuries-long history of Zionism in America.