Amid reports company's technology was used against activists and journalists, Defense Ministry says firm was only allowed to sell its products for fighting crime, terror
According to the New York Times, the government encouraged several companies, including NSO Group, to continue cooperation, regardless of concerns tech was used to quash dissent
Security cabinet votes to freeze transfer of some tax revenues collected for the Palestinian Authority to offset funds paid out to terrorists and their families
President, defense minister give top security prize to four classified projects, dealing with intelligence, the air force, cybersecurity, and a new technological capability
Red Crescent says 61 Palestinians hurt, including six hit by rubber-tipped bullets; under agreement with government, settlers will leave site by 4.00 pm Friday
Under agreement, military will review status of West Bank land and if found to belong to state, a yeshiva and dorms will be established; army to set up base there in meantime
Asked to comment on wildcat West Bank community that gov't has agreed to leave intact for now, State Dept. says it's critical to refrain from steps that harm two-state solution
'We are keeping our eyes open, maintaining the routine, while remaining prepared,' says defense minister at event marking 15 years from Second Lebanon War
Defense Ministry panel okays 31 plans, including for mall, schools, synagogues; Joint List head: 'The right continues to sabotage the prospects for peace and deepen the occupation'
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