Unidentified gunman kills Fernando Villavicencio at a rally in Ecuadorian capital Quito

Bella Montoya, 76, started knocking on inside of her casket during wake and was sent back to hospital that pronounced her dead

An American-Israeli was initially reported among the dead, but Foreign Ministry says no Israelis were killed in the accident off the coast of Ecuador

Foreign Ministry received report of incident Monday from Israeli embassy; deceased's family informed

Steven Donziger says it's time to force the oil giant to pay a court-ordered $9.5 billion for rainforest oil pollution. Chevron: The judgement was 'fraudulent'

Despite activists' calls for urgent public debate about oil giant's pollution record, Yuval Steinitz 'confident' that $5 billion deal to buy Noble Energy will be approved

Abdalá Bucaram held as part of an organized crime investigation involving a possible COVID-19 medical supplies scandal and two Israeli men who posed as US Drug Enforcement agents

Shy Dahan had a history of multiple allegations of international fraud, had escaped a Panama prison two years ago; was arrested in June on suspicion of peddling fake virus tests

Demanding debate on oil giant getting Noble Energy's Mediterranean stakes, campaigners say Chevron avoiding $9.5b payout for 'Chernobyl of the Amazon' spill, boding ill for Israel

Ecuador says it approved raid on its London embassy, where Assange has been staying since 2012, citing international convention violations