Tech company says it sent targeted users a 'government-backed attack warning,' found no evidence the phishing attempts were successful

Trump administration takes flak from Democrats over invitation to Sergey Lavrov; Pompeo says US won't budge on sticking up for Ukraine

Social media site takes bans accounts after Brexit document damaging to Conservative Party is leaked, seized upon by Labour

Hanan Melcer positively cites Israel's use of paper ballots rather than computerized system, says anonymous campaign ads on social media way down after ban

Singling out China, Russia and Iran, heads of 7 government agencies say 'our adversaries want to undermine our democratic institutions'

Social media giant announces move as it seeks to step up security, improve its image ahead of 2020 US elections; Iran-based accounts posted anti-Israel propaganda, company says

Democrats and some Republicans say Congress must do more after Mitch McConnell blocks House-passed bill authorizing $775 million to beef up state election systems

Walter Soriano said requested to provide correspondence with Israeli firms Black Cube, Psy-Group and Wikistrat as part of intelligence committee investigation
