Hours after declaring Paraguay will reopen embassy in Jerusalem, Eli Cohen meets with Uruguayan leaders and says their new innovation office in capital will advance economic ties

Flights bring group to Addis Ababa, from where new immigrants will continue to Israel; PM: ‘Israel looks after its citizens wherever they are’

Foreign minister Eli Cohen says security treaty would reassure Washington's regional allies that they are protected from Iranian aggression, and negate the need for atomic weapons

Foreign minister tells Elaph normalization will benefit Biden, Saudis; warns Hezbollah that Israeli society will unite against threats

But Eli Cohen acknowledges assessing whether the Alliance for the Union of Romanians has undergone 'a real change that will open the door for Israel to revisit its boycott'

US bureau chief Jacob Magid discusses Saudi normalization, Bahrain non-visit and a PA statement; tech editor Sharon Wrobel looks at Israel's credit rating and angel investment law

If finalized, legislation would require ambassadors and consuls to pledge loyalty to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state as condition of receiving postings

Official justification given by Manama is scheduling conflict, but official says far-right minister's visit to flashpoint site was actual reason

Woman is 2nd in recent weeks to threaten to burn the holy book only to walk it back; Israel warned Stockholm that allowing demonstration would harm bilateral relations

Official reponse comes despite government position not to cooperate with court's probe; reply also contradicts resistance to any peace talks with Palestinians
