Dudi Knopfler amazed us again with new music. Now, just in time for Yom Tov Sukkas he’s here with a fantastic new music video that will get you into the Sukkas atmosphere! You’ll love sitting in the Sukkah singing and enjoying with your family & friends, on this special time which Hashem gave to us; his children.
In this video Dudi combined 3 beautiful songs,
Song 1) A Sukkah’le, an old traditional song with alot of Neshamah to it.
Song 2) Ich Zitz Mich in Mein Sukkah’le, a brand new beautiful release composed by Chesky Weiss and Sung by MBD & Yeedle Werdyger a song full of ‘Heart & Soul’. And to wrap it up Dudi added
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