Download the song… The song #Haazinu is a song of testimony from the heaven and the earth that the torah always exists. From sunrise to sunset, through the harrowing ups and the narrowing downs, for as long as theres a heaven and earth it’s never too late to connect! Composed by #YossiLebowitz Music by Freilach band Arranged by Nachman Dreyer Video edited by Menachem Weinstein Steadycam shots by Yissy Freeman Guitar Nachman Dreyer Bassist Shlomy Spielman Keyboard by Tzvi Blumenfeld Drums by Avrumi Shreiber Brass by good ol,Danny Flam and co. Mixed by Yaniv Balas Mastred by Ian Freitor Actors Sruli Raksin, Mendy Lebovic, Chaim Samuels, Toivli the tortoise.