Shas leader brags he paid cash for the Sukkot fruit, which would be an illegally high cash purchase; office says he was defending the honor of small Moroccan etrog in humorous way

Trio of Jewish historians and curators has delved deep into the history, use, care, dissemination and symbolism of the citron that is a central feature of the Sukkot holiday

With the discovery of the Chinese 'Buddha’s hand' citron, debates over the kashrut of local fruit have caused some Jewish residents to order etrogs from Israel or elsewhere online

Though Israeli import laws favor domestically-grown citrons, every 7 years growers from the high Atlas Mountains corner the market during the biblical farming sabbatical of shmita

President's assistant Avi Berkowitz helps circumvent coronavirus restrictions after rabbis warn that imports of Italian citron fruit needed for Sukkot had run into difficulties

Animal and Plant Health Agency eventually allows the import of citron fruit used for Sukkot on condition stalks are trimmed and they are destroyed after holiday