Bloc stresses its misgivings over newly adopted legislation that critics say targets the Polish opposition months before parliamentary elections

In farewell interview, ambassador to Palestinians laments Abbas's failure to hold elections, suggests mail-in ballot as solution to Israeli opposition to voting in East Jerusalem

ToI editor David Horovitz and military correspondent Emanuel Fabian discuss demonstrations across the country, and Hamas takes responsibility for a recent spate of attacks

Leading delegation, diplomat accuses Israel of disproportionate use of force, urges end to 'cycle of violence'

EUBAM unit was deployed to border crossing in preparation for Palestinian independence, but two-state vision is increasingly losing out to notion of a single, shared entity

The bloc's point person for fighting Jew-hatred, Katharina von Schnurbein, is an influential advocate for Jewish customs many consider controversial in Europe

European lawmakers back law to regulate artificial intelligence platforms like ChatGPT, amid fears the systems could disrupt democratic processes

Bloc official says social media giant's 'obligations remain'; code contains pledges such as better cooperation with fact-checkers, not promoting actors distributing disinformation

Consortium led by EU office to West Bank and Gaza says Israel should 'return or compensate' about 10 countries for humanitarian items, after razing EU-funded school near Bethlehem

Yesh Din says extremist settlers attacked Palestinians in nearby village of Burqa, harming several, while local council head says Palestinians threw rocks, hurting one settler
