Senior Israeli official says continuing to negotiate shows weakness after Tehran gave noncommittal response to 'take it or leave it' offer

PM's national security adviser, senior special adviser and spokesperson are all isolating, as Israel's 6th coronavirus wave continues to recede

After series of attacks attributed to Israel, unnamed officials suggest 'the highest levels of the Iranian establishment' are shaken

PM highlights Jerusalem Declaration signed by Biden, says it 'assures the qualitative advantage of the Israeli security establishment' in face of the Iranian nuclear threat

After Biden meeting, Hulata says 'Israel will act as it sees fit,' and has done 'quite a lot in Iran over past year'; on potential peace with Saudi Arabia: Israel's 'working on it'

Israeli officials reportedly say that past experiences prove such meetings lead to 'crisis of expectations,' subsequent escalation of violence

Call comes amid rising Palestinian frustration with Washington; US deputy secretary Sherman meets visiting Israeli NSA with both talks calling to step up efforts to restore calm

Talks focus on regional security issues, threats posed by Iran, report says; meeting comes ahead of Biden visit to the region, as US pushes for cooperation

Report says Eyal Hulata to be briefed on senior Biden administration officials' trip to Riyadh amid efforts to promote normalization between Israelis and Saudis

With negotiations stalled for months, Hulata says Israel doesn't see confrontation with Tehran as a solution, suggests a new agreement could have a positive outcome
