Gantz says he has already asked US about expanding current inventory, hopes additional weapons deals can be concluded before Trump leaves office

Planes were taking part in 'routine activities' when they roared over capital early Friday, according to military

Amikam Norkin maintains military's overall view that additional advanced aircraft in the Middle East is 'less good,' but says joint exercises with Gulf states are in the offing

Israel has lobbied on behalf of countries willing to establish ties, and others hoping for the same kind of muscle on the Hill are likely taking notice

Splitting mostly on party lines, opponents fail to convince majority that Trump is rushing sale of F-35s and Reaper drones to nation involved in devastating Yemen bombing campaign

Pro-Israel lobby cites recent normalization agreement between Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi, along with US assurances that weapons sale won't harm Jewish state's regional military edge

Envoy to US confident arms deal won't harm Israel's regional military edge, says he is more concerned about Biden's plan to reenter Iran deal

Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba rebuffs criticism of $23 billion US arms deal to his country, pointing out that Israel has given green light and rejecting claims of misconduct in Yemen

After White House officials brief Senate Foreign Relations Committee on planned $23 billion arms deal, lawmakers gear up for long-shot vote to block it

F-35 deal, seen as linked to Abu Dhabi's normalization pact with Israel, would 'facilitate a dangerous arms race,' Chris Murphy says; but bid faces uphill battle
