Dear Matzav Inbox,
It is honestly astounding how the frum community has been swept up in the frenzy of politics, with so many putting all their energy into idolizing President Trump and obsessing over every detail of his actions. Day in and day out, there are conversations and debates about him, as if he is the key to solving our problems, as if his leadership will somehow bring geulah. It’s as if the entire focus of our community has shifted entirely to political matters, and this obsession with the goyishe world of politics has taken over, pushing aside the things that truly matter to us as Yidden.
Frankly, it’s nauseating.
We have fallen off the deep end.
Since when did we forget who we are?

By Professor Alan Dershowitz, The Daily Caller
The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called a “deal.” It was an extortion. Would you call it a deal if somebody kidnapped your child and you “agreed” to pay ransom to get her back? Of course not. The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime.

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
This week, we begin the study of Seder Shemos, recounting the story of Yaakov’s descendants in Mitzrayim. First, we learn of their subjugation and servitude, followed by their eventual freedom and redemption. Finally, we see how they became a nation at Har Sinai and the construction of the Mishkon.
The era of the avos has ended, and now the era of their children, the Bnei Yisroel, begins. After a rough start, they ultimately rise to the expectations placed upon them and earn the Torah, the mitzvos, and a profound connection to Hashem.

Dear Matzav Inbox,

Communicated by Misaskim
The call came while Simcha was driving his friend Moshe and his wife to a wedding. An unfamiliar number flashed on his screen. It was the chevra kaddisha.
“Are you on speaker?” the man on the other end asked quietly.
“No, I’m not.”
“Tragically, Moshe’s 10-year-old son was killed in an accident. The news is already spreading. Every WhatsApp group has posted it. You have a few seconds to tell the parents before they find out themselves.”
There in the car, Simcha had no choice but to break the devastating news to the parents.
“I already knew,” Moshe said. “Someone posted it on a WhatsApp group I’m in. I just… couldn’t say anything.”
“I also knew,” his wife whispered. “I just got it on my women’s group.”

Dear Residents of Lakewood, NJ,
I hope this message finds you well. I would like to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the dedication and tireless efforts of our local elected officials. Their work on behalf of our community is invaluable, and I am grateful for all they do to ensure Lakewood remains a safe and vibrant place to live.
The recent and ongoing fires in Los Angeles have been truly devastating. Families have lost their homes and all their belongings, schools have been destroyed, and precious Torah scrolls have been rescued under heartbreaking circumstances. These events are a powerful reminder of how quickly life can change and how important it is to be prepared.

Dear Matzav Inbox,
For many Orthodox Jewish families, “Yeshiva Week” has become synonymous with travel. Families have become accustomed to take a mid-winter trip to warm climates to thaw out from the New York winter.
Los Angeles is a popular destination, because of its unique combination of pleasant weather, world-class tourist attractions, and abundant access to synagogues and kosher dining. However, this year is different. We urge you to cancel your plans to visit Los Angeles during Yeshiva Week due to the city’s current challenges.

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
With Parshas Vayechi, the fascinating sefer of Bereishis draws to a close. Without giving any detail about anything that went on in Yaakov’s life during his seventeen years in Mitzrayim, the Torah skips to the period when he was weakening and approaching death. Yaakov called for Yosef and made him swear that he would guarantee his burial in the Meoras Hamachpeilah with Avrohom and Yitzchok.

Dear Matzav Inbox, 

Dear Matzav Inbox,
I’ve had enough. Enough of the unholy obsession with money that has overtaken our communities, enough of the idol worship of the so-called “Gvirim” in our midst who are raised on a pedestal just because they happen to have deep pockets.
It’s about time we call this out for what it is: an absolute disgrace and a cancer that is eating away at the heart of our kehillos.
