Message from Above

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Over the past month, Jews around the world have changed. Our demeanor has changed. The way we view the world and our place in it, and the way we view ourselves, has changed. There is a renewed feeling of achdus and everyone is seeking improvement. People who have never observed Shabbos are doing so. People who never wore tzitzis are doing so. Women who had never previously lit candles are doing so. There is a worldwide shortage of tefillin because so many men have begun wearing them every day.

The following editorial by Richard Kemp first appeared in The Telegraph:
The Israel Defence Forces have been attacking Hamas in Gaza from land, sea and air for two weeks now, following a three-week air campaign. Before ground operations began, US military advisers urged the Israelis not to launch a large-scale campaign, which they believed would result in an IDF bloodbath – and be less effective than a combination of air strikes and special forces raids. The IDF rejected that advice, and moved into Gaza with a large combined arms force. And it has confounded its critics.

Key To Victory

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
People who follow the news are perplexed. At a time when a small beleaguered country does battle with terrorists who carried out genocide in their country, why do the nations of the world call for a ceasefire? Is there really support for terror states? Is there no limit to hypocrisy? What would those countries do if their country was attacked?
The United States says that it stands behind the victim country, yet it seeks to have them take a break in their war against evil to win some political points in Michigan. Does that make any sense to anybody?
How would the United States have responded had someone attempted to curtail their battle against the axis of evil following 9/11?
Does anybody know history?

Dear Editor,
I have been following the discussions surrounding the upcoming election for Avi Schnall, in accordance with the rabbonim‘s endorsement, and of course I fully intend to cast my vote accordingly, following the rabbonim‘s directives.
However, as a concerned parent, I would like to make a statement to the educational institutions and to the askanim behind this campaign:
I am seeking a commitment from the mosdos and these askanim that, should tuition relief be granted by the state (although I am somewhat skeptical about that possibility), they will not immediately respond by raising tuition, thereby placing an additional burden on us parents.

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi zt”l would tell the story of one of the times he went to ask the Brisker Rov a question in learning. He asked his question and the Rov answered and then an acquaintance of the Rov entered the room. Himself a distinguished talmid chochom, he said to the Rov, “Vos redt min duh? What are you discussing here?”
The Rov looked up at him and, with his Brisker directness, said to him, “Min redt nit. Min lernt. We aren’t discussing anything. We are learning.”
Undaunted, the guest tried again. “Vos lernt min? What are you learning?”

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
With the Hamas massacre fresh in the minds of people around the world, the Hamas murderers pulled off another terrible crime against the Jewish people. They made up a story that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, killing over 500 innocent people.
The lie spread like wildfire across the world. Jews are baby killers. They deliberately targeted a hospital full of the sick and those caring for them, killing masses of people.

By Jonathan Tobin
It’s been more than two weeks since the atrocities of Oct. 7 shocked the world with the deliberate cruelty and barbarism exhibited by Hamas terrorists as they conducted what has been aptly described as pogroms inside Israel. The death toll in the largest mass slaughter of Jews—1,400 in a single day—since the Holocaust continues to rise as more bodies are discovered and identified. Added to that are those victims yet unaccounted for, in addition to the more than 4,000 wounded and as many as 200 others dragged captive into the Gaza Strip.

By Daniel Greenfield 
Among the litter of guns, korans, and maps discarded by the Hamas terrorists whose bodies lie alongside bullet-riddled vehicles and dusty roads are green Gaza IDs with work permits. Normally residents of the Hamas territory can’t enter Israel, but work permits allowed over 18,000 Gazans to enter Israel. When some returned, it was as Hamas rapists and killers.

What Can We Do?

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
There is a terrible war going on, and it is growing more intense each day. Just over a week ago, 1,300 Jews were tortured and killed, over 3,000 were wounded and 199 were taken captive. It’s heartbreaking.
How are we to react? What is expected of us and what can we do to help the war effort?

Written 40 years ago, but as relevant as ever…
Dear World,
I understand that you are upset by us, here in Israel.
Indeed, it appears that you are quite upset, even angry.
Indeed, every few years you seem to become upset by us. Today, it is the “brutal repression of the Palestinians”; yesterday it was Lebanon; before that it was the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Baghdad and the Yom Kippur War and the Sinai campaign. It appears that Jews who triumph and who, therefore, live, upset you most extraordinarily.
Of course, dear world, long before there was an Israel, we – the Jewish people – upset you.
