
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
We live in historic times. Our period will be studied by history students for many years to come. They will study the rebirth of Torah and its proliferation on these shores and around the world, in numbers and ways never known to mankind. In less than a month, masses of people will gather to celebrate the Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi, proving that netzach Yisroel lo yishaker.
Historians will study the phenomena of Binyomin Netanyahu, the longest serving prime minister in Israel’s brief history, along with the allegations of corruption, his coalition deals with the religious parties, and the upcoming second do-over election.
These are historic things. They don’t happen too often.

Haaretz Hatovah
Real Life Stories and Experiences of Yidden Settling in Eretz Yisroel.
Until 2006, at the great pleading of good friends of ours, who had made Aliyah a few years back, my husband Dovid had never been to Eretz Yisroel and I had only come once before as a teenager on a sponsored trip. The entire trip was a total of three weeks. But those three weeks were our turning point.  We went home knowing we were coming back, for good. We just didn’t know when.

The Truth

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
The more we hear people talk about the lack of truth in our world and the need to pursue it, the more it seems to be lacking. So much of what we see and hear is fake, superficial and patently untrue. Yet, to be accepted as with-it and relevant, we all, to different degrees, play along with the lies and don’t dare openly dispute them.

Haaretz Hatovah
Real Life Stories and Experiences of Yidden Settling in Eretz Yisroel.
I grew up in Kensington – that’s between Boro Park and Flatbush, for those unfamiliar with Brooklyn, it’s in the heart of the frum community. I came to Eretz Yisroel straight after high school although I was a bit young and that was off the beaten track. I wanted to learn, and found my place in Yeshiva HaKotel – today known as Netiv Aryeh. I thrived there, learning full time for two years. 

Wake Up

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
We read this week in Parshas Toldos about Rivkah’s difficult pregnancy. She is informed that “shnei goyim bevitneich,” she would be giving birth to two distinct personalities, Yaakov and Eisov, who would lead two separate nations.
Yaakov was the epitome of goodness, while Eisov is always pointed to as the embodiment of evil. The pesukim describe their differences somewhat cryptically, and Chazal expound upon what took place.
The posuk portrays Eisov as an “ish yodeia tzayid, ish sodeh,” a hunter, while Yaakov is depicted as an “ish tam yosheiv ohalim,” a fine person who spent his time in the tent of Torah.

Haaretz Hatovah
Real Life Stories and Experiences of Yidden Settling in Eretz Yisroel.
Above & Beyond “Normal”: Life in Eretz Yisroel.
Our family made “aliyah” from the U.S. to Ramat Beit Shemesh about six years ago. I was born in Highland Park, NJ but  I grew up in Baltimore, whereas my wife originates from Maryland.
Moving to Eretz Hakodesh has given us a tremendous opportunity, both physically and spiritually. We were making regular yearly visits to Israel for a while, as my wife’s mother is buried here. On one such occasion, we decided to jump in and just stay here for good!


By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
So much in the world is not what it seems. When we were young and naïve, we accepted everything at face value, but the older we get and the more we experience, the more we recognize that too often, our eyes deceive us. Too often, what appears to be good is not and what gives a bad impression can really be something good.
We have to develop methods to protect ourselves from people who seek to do us harm behind a guise of friendship and kindness. Our avos were surrounded by such duplicitous characters.

Real Life Stories and Experiences of Yidden Settling in Eretz Yisroel.

A Great People

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
As we continue studying Seder Bereishis, we learn more of the immense stature of the avos. Parshas Vayeira is replete with stories from the life of Avrohom Avinu, one of the greatest people to ever walk this earth. From his devotion to the mitzvah of hachnosas orchim to the way he dealt with the nisayon of the Akeidah, every nuance of his demeanor, speech and actions personified the values he sought to instill in his descendants, continuing to guide and inspire us to this day.
Maaseh avos siman labonim.” The actions of the fathers guide their children, as they point out the path to perfection in this world.

I love nature and I’m also attracted to ruchniyus. It was only natural that I made Eretz Yisroel my home, being the place where ruchniyus is natural and where nature is ruchniyus.
From the Teveria apartment building I live in, there are views of the beautiful Kinneret and its green surroundings. I enjoy looking at the scenery and connecting to the kedusha. It’s not just a big and beautiful lake—all other lakes in the world get their chiyus from HaShem “personally” keeping His “eyes” on this one. This is true as well for all the other elements that make up nature—the mountains, valleys, plains, skies, oceans, and everything else you can think of. The kedusha root of all of it is in Eretz Yisroel.
