
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
The essence of the Haggadah and the entirety of Pesach is the relationship between father and son and the obligation for a father to transmit to his son the story of the geulah from Mitzrayim. The Torah and Chazal prescribe different ways to speak to different children and lay out the format for the Seder evening conversation.
The people of Adopt-a-Kollel were kind enough to gift me Haggadah Nifle’osecha Asicha from Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein. I opened it up to the page on which he tells the following story.

By Binyomin Millman
Every second guy, it seems, has become an expert on the recent kumzitz tumult. Each “expert” knows that we don’t give our boys enough healthy outlets and that we should be doing things differently, etc. They know why the tumult happened, who is responsible, and what should be changed.
Everyone is suddenly an expert of the latest hock.
So thanks to all these “professionals” for the insight. But it’s pretty obvious. Neither me nor you needs another guy on a blog or WhatsApp to lament how our system is broken and we aren’t doing things right and we should be outraged and all that. We’ve heard it. We know it. And it’s changing.
So what is the lesson?
The lesson is about the power of the yochid.

Written by Horav Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Greater Washington
(Adapted from his book Time Pieces)
My dear child, it is now a quiet moment late at night. After an exhausting day of Pesach cleaning, you have sunk into the sweetest of sleeps, and I am sitting here with a pile of haggodos, preparing for Seder night. Somehow the words never come out the way I want them to, and the Seder evening is always unpredictable. But so many thoughts and feelings are welling up in my mind and I want to share them with you.

A Private Spring

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
 Nissan is here. The cold is gone, snow is history, and the harsh weather is a thing of the past. The ground has warmed. Trees and bushes are beginning to show signs of life as tiny green buds begin to unfurl. Branches bloom, grass turns green, and squirrels and birds dart across the lawn seeking life. The sun rises higher in the sky, shining brighter, filling hearts with promises of warmth and color.
Young and old soak in the pleasures of recreation, walking, biking, and playing ball, as they strengthen their bodies, enhance their well-being, and broaden their perspective.
