UNATTENDED MENORAH Causes Fire In Home In Manchester [VIDEO]A small fire broke out in a home on Norwood Avenue in Manchester (UK) on the second night of Chanukah, and it was caused by a menorah left unattended.
Sources tell YWN that the family had left the menorah burning and left the home.
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 R’ Yosef Kahlani Z”L, Mrs Haley Sevitz-Varenberg A”HThe levaya of one of the victims of the bus collision in central Israel near Ben-Gurion airport on Sunday night, R’ Yosef Kahlani, z”l, 79, took place on Monday afternoon in Petach Tikva.
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Arsonist Who Set Fire To Yeshiva University Dorm Arrested Again Hours After Judge Released HimA homeless man accused of setting fires at a Jewish university dormitory was arrested again just hours after his arraignment.
New York City police say they picked up 33-year-old Peter Weyand around 11:30 p.m.

 Boyan Beis Medrash in Modi’in Illit Ransacked, Sifrei Torah Scorched, Silver Ornaments StolenVandals broke into the Boyan Beis Medrash overnight on Monday in Modi’in Illit and ransacked the site, causing extensive damage, including scorching two Sifrei Torah.
The men who arrived in the early hours of the morning to the beis medrash were shocked to discover that the Aron Kodesh was breached and two of the Sifrei Torah were scorched.

 Damage Caused By Off-The-Derech Youths During Shabbos [PHOTOS](PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
As is the case weekly, off-the-derech youths on Shabbos hang out together, usually looking for some action to pass the time.
This past Shabbos, their recreational activities included breaking and ripping out canisters and road barriers in Bnei Brak, in addition to scaring passers-by in the area.

Rabbonim Against Changing The Name Of ‘Har Nof’ To ‘Neot Yosef’Rabbonim released a kol korei expressing their opposition to changing the name of Har Nof to ‘Neot Yosef’ in memory of Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L and Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L – which Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon plans to do.

Chareidim Among the Fatalities in the 947 Bus Crash Near Ben-Gurion AirportAmong the dead in the horrific bus crash involving a number 947 bus traveling from Jerusalem to Haifa on Sunday night, the first night of Chanukah, were chareidim; a resident of Elad and a woman apparently from the north.
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BIZCHUS RAV NACHMAN BEN FAIGA? PM Netanyahu And Wife Secretly Meet With Rabbi Shalom ArushPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah have been holding secret meetings in recent weeks with one of the more influential members of the Breslov Chassidim who is also very involved in bringing Ba’alei Teshuva back into the fold.

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com) If we delve into the prehistory of Chanukah, we learn all sorts of interesting new information.  When we combine this information with Midrashim – it enhances our understanding even more.  Finally, when we unearth lost midrashim – the information can be rather fascinating. It is a sad fact that […]

Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita on Chanukahby Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5TJT.com
A while ago, a Sefer entitled “Siach Chaim” by Rav Yitzchok OhevTzion was published containing letters back and forth between the author and Rav Chaim Kanivsky Shlita. 
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