Major Bus Collision On Highway 40; Possibly Multiple FatalitiesThree people were in critical condition and another 12 injured in a bus collision on Highway 40 near Bedek Interchange in the area of Ben Gurion Airport. Volunteers from United Hatzalah together with ambulance teams from Magen David Adom treated the injured, while volunteers from Zaka responded to provide respect for the dead.

The Menorah Has Been Lit At The Kosel On The First Night Of Chanukah [PHOTO]Just moments ago, the Menorah was lit at the Kosel on the first night of Chanukah.
Chief Rabbi Lau, Jerusalem Mayor Leon and others were in attendance.
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 Firefighters Are Called “NAZIS!” After Freeing Chareidim Stuck In Meah Shearim ElevatorFirefighters were called “Nazis” after rescuing Chareidim in Meah Shearim on Motzei Shabbos.
It happened in a building on Chevra Shas Street, when rescue personnel were called to rescue a group that was stuck inside an elevator.

 13 Shot At Memorial For Shooting VictimA shooting at a house party early Sunday on Chicago’s South Side wounded 13 people, four of them critically, Chicago police said.
The shooting stemmed from a dispute at a the party that was being “given in memorial of a subject slain in April,” Chief of Patrol Fred Waller said.
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Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Marks 2nd Yartzheit Of Maran HaRav ShteinmanAmong the thousands that visited the Kever of Maran Hagaon HaRav Aron Leib Shteinman ZATZAL today was the Sar Hatorah, Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky.
Rav Chaim was driven to the Kever in a car, and lit a candle, before reciting some Tehillim.

Netanyahu Visits Bnei Brak On Motzei Shabbos [VIDEOS]PM Minister Netanyahu was in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos, and visited the home of HaRav Meir Mazuz.
It is reported that Mr. Netanyahu wanted to personally thank Rav Mazuz for his words of support during recent shiurim.
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 100 MS-13 Gang Members ArrestedNew York prosecutors have announced the arrests Friday of nearly 100 members and associates of MS-13 in what officials say is the largest crackdown against the gang in the state’s history.
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 Over 267 Million Facebook Users Have Account Info Exposed On Dark WebOver 267 million Facebook users have had their personal information exposed by another massive data breach.
Security researcher Bob Diachenko reportedly made the disturbing find on Dec. 14.
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US Heads To Court To Build Trump Border Wall In TexasThree years into Donald Trump’s presidency, the U.S. government is ramping up its efforts to seize private land in Texas to build a border wall.
Trump’s signature campaign promise has consistently faced political, legal, and environmental obstacles in Texas, which has the largest section of the U.S.-Mexico border, most of it without fencing.

FDNY Marshals Arrest Man For Setting Multiple Fires At Yeshiva University DormitoryA man broke into a dormitory at Yeshiva university and set fires, using matches intended for lighting a Menorah, the FDNY commissioner said.
No one was injured by the fires early Friday at a Yeshiva University dorm in Manhattan.
