MK Yisrael Eichler from the UTJ party made a statement on Sunday evening that compared Yisrael Beiteinu’s leader, Avigdor Lieberman to British Labor Party leader and declared anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn. “Evet [Avigdor] Lieberman is the Israeli Jeremy Corbyn, and his end will be a flaming fall, G-d willing. We must denounce him as Britain denounced Corbyn,” Eichler said. Rabbi Eichler was responding to the Saturday-night posting of a Russian-language video against the Chareidi-religious public and its way of life, which had caused great outrage in the Chareidi parties during the election campaign for the 21st Knesset.

Former FBI Director James Comey acknowledged Sunday that a Justice Department inspector general report identified “real sloppiness” in the surveillance of a former Trump campaign aide and said he was wrong to have been “overconfident” about how the Russia investigation was handled. But Comey also insisted he was right to feel some measure of vindication because the report did not find evidence for the most sensational of President Donald Trump’s claims, including that he had been wiretapped and illegally spied on and that the FBI had committed treason in investigating ties between Russia and his 2016 campaign. “Remember how we got here,” Comey said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “The FBI was accused of criminal misconduct.

Dear YWN readership, I went shopping today in Brooklyn at Bingo, and parked in the Bingo parking lot using a handicapped parking spot with proper identification. I am multiply handicapped and the fact that in Bingo they have handicapped lines that are not dedicated to the handicapped, and that they do not pack for a handicapped person, even when asked, is the subject for another post. As I was packing my car with my many purchases, a car pulled in to the handicapped spot next to mine. The couple got out without placing a handicapped placard in the windshield, and without handicapped plates. They were not elderly, nor did they appear to be infirm. I told them that they were using a handicapped parking spot. The woman responded with an “oh” – and it sounded like she was surprised.

The following is an unedited press release submitted to YWN by the “Socialist Workers Party”, which is known as a communist party: To the Satmar Hasidim and the whole Jewish community, The Socialist Workers Party joins you in condemning the vicious Dec. 10 attack at the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket that killed Leah Mindel Ferencz, Moshe Deutsch, and Douglas Miguel Rodriguez. It’s important to tell the truth. This was murderous Jew hatred. This is not the first anti-Semitic attack over the last several years in the U.S. including the attacks on synagogues in Pittsburgh, Penn., and Poway, Calif. At the moment these are acts by isolated individuals. The overwhelming majority of working people of all nationalities and religious beliefs oppose Jew-hatred.

A Boro Park homeowner was terrified to find a man armed with a large knife in his kitchen this past Friday night. Boro Park Shomrim say the incident occurred at around 12:30AM on Friday night / Shabbos morning in the vicinity of 11th Ave and 54th Street. The homeowner was awakened by a noise in his house, and went to see what it was, when he came face-to-face with the man seen in the attached footage. Thankfully, the perpetrator fled the home without harming him. Shomrim has received multiple reports of burglaries in that same area on Friday night. They remind residents to make sure their homes are properly secured and to always report any suspicious activity immediately.

Famed Saudi Arabian blogger and Twitter influencer Muhammad Saud sends his condolences to the families of the victims of last week’s Jersey City terror attack. Saud sent his message via video. In the short video message, Saud says: “I would like to send condolences from Saudi Arabia to the wonderful families of Jersey City tragedy, the family of the hero policeman, the family of the non-Jewish worker who opened the door and rescued a Jew, and the families of the two murdered Jews. AMOKOM YENACHEM ESCHEM”. Saud made headlines recently, when two Charieidm from Yerushalayim paid him a visit at his home in Saudi Arabia.

On Sunday morning, officials in Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem provided an update on the condition of Ephraim and Itai Rimmel, whose wife and daughter Mrs. Tzipi Rimmel A”H, 35, and her daughter, Noa Rachel A”H, 3 weeks old were killed in a horrific crash. B’chasdei Hashem, there has been a significant improvement over the weekend in Ephraim’s, 40, condition after a complicated surgery on his back. Ephraim has regained consciousness and his condition is listed as stable, as he remains in an intensive care unit. Itai, 10, however remains critical, in a medically induced coma in a pediatric ICU. An Arab driver smashed into the Rimmel’s vehicle in Jerusalem at the beginning of December, in the area of Givat Ze’ev Junction.

Residents of the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem promise a legal battle as they continue efforts to prevent the city changing the name to Neot Yosef in memory of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L and Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L. Leaders of the opposition to the planned name change explain Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon cannot do as he pleases when and entire neighborhood remains opposed. The residents have already begun raising funds for the battle. Taking their battle cry from Hebron, residents of Har Nof are battling City Hall under the banner ‘הר נוף מאז ומתמיד’, as they remain steadfast in their opposition to the plan. They explain that half of the institutions in the neighborhood have ‘Har Nof’ in their name, including shuls, schools, stores and businesses.

NYC Mayor DeBlasio went to Williamsburg on Sunday morning, and visited the home of the Deutsch family, who is sitting Shiva for their son Moshe Hersh HY”D, one of the victims in the Jersey City terror attack. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn apologized Sunday for this party’s crushing defeat in the British general election but defended his campaign, which failed to resonate with the party’s working-class base, as “one of hope rather than fear.” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party won 365 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons in Thursday’s landslide election. Labour took 203 seats, its worst total since 1935. Corbyn, 70, has pledged to stand down as the decimated party’s leader and the maneuvering to replace him has begun. “I’m sorry that we came up short and I take my responsibility for it,” Corbyn wrote in a letter published in the left-leaning Sunday Mirror newspaper.
