One of Germany’s richest families, which owns Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Pret A Manger and other international brands, is giving millions to support Holocaust survivors as it seeks to atone for its use of forced laborers during the Nazi era and its enthusiastic support of Adolf Hitler, The Associated Press has learned. In addition to 5 million euros ($5.5 million) being given to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany to help thousands of elderly survivors around the world, the Reimann family’s JAB Investors company plans to announce Thursday that it will provide another 5 million euros to find and support forced laborers used by its predecessor under the Nazis.

A child who was niftar after he lost consciousness in a daycare on Be’eri Street in Bnei Brak on Thursday was identified as one-year-old Yisroel Weiss Z”L. The incident occurred early Thursday afternoon when the infant was found by the daycare supervisor having lost consciousness. The Niftar was treated and transported from the scene by United Hatzlaha and MDA while undergoing CPR. He was eventually Niftar at the hospital. The kevura was held on Thursday night after Zaka succeeded in getting the police to drop their request for an autopsy. United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit was dispatched to the scene to assist the parents, children, and other family members. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

By now is anyone still surprised? Probably not. But the three members of “The Squad” have finally come clean and showed the world exactly who they really are. Let’s start with most damning of the three and focus on the outrageous tweet by Palestinian Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib who incredibly blamed “white supremacy” for the […]

An exit poll in Britain’s election projects that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party likely will win a majority of seats in Parliament, an outcome that would allow Johnson to fulfill his plan to take the U.K. out of the European Union next month. The survey predicts the Conservatives will get 368 of the 650 […]

Rosh Yeshivas Mir, Harav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, is on a chizuk visit to the Jewish community in Panama this week, Kikar Hashabat reported. The Rosh Yeshivah’s visit is a continuation of the relationship between the Mir and the Panamanian community, as his father, Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, z’tl, visited Panama two years before his Petira. […]

A press conference was held moments ago by NJ Attorney General Grewal. New information and updates were given regarding the horrific shooting on Tuesday which claimed the lives of 24-year-old Moshe Deutsch HY”D, 31-year-old Mindel Ferencz HY”D, and 49-year-old Douglas Miguel Rodríguez – in addition to Jersey CIty Police Detective Joseph Seals. The attackers were […]

Thanks to the incredible team work of Boro Park and Crown Heights Shomrim, a man was taken into custody after he pointed a handgun at a Jewish man in Boro Park. Sources tell YWN that Boro Park Shomrim received a phone call on Thursday morning stating that a man who was driving a strange looking […]

Two news reports in Israel on Wednesday, both focusing on the town of Bethlehem, highlighted the irony of Israel’s complex relationship with its Arab neighbors. Gamal Allaham,11, a resident of Bethlehem, suffered from a benign tumor in his hypothalamus which caused him to have severe seizures and uncontrollable fits of laughter, a TPS report said. […]

For the first time, the name Muhammad is one of the ten most popular names for boys in the United States, according to the annual BabyCenter list. The name Muhammad rose four spots from the 2018 list to make it to the top ten for 2019. A Muslim name for girls, Aaliyah, also made it […]

Fears that a deadly shooting at a Jewish market in Jersey City was an anti-Semitic attack mounted on Wednesday as authorities recounted how a man and woman deliberately pulled up to the place in a stolen rental van with at least one rifle and got out firing. A day after the gunbattle and standoff that […]
