Gedolei Yisrael Call for Tefilos on Behalf of HaGaon Rav SolovechikGedolei Yisrael Shlita, headed by HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita on Tuesday call on the tzibur to be mispallel for HaGaon HaRav Meshulam Dovid Solovechik Shlita, whose condition has worsened and is in need of Rachmei Shomayim.

 See How This Bnei Brak Man Deals With Ads On Bus He Finds To Be Not Tzniyus!One can see in the attached video a chareidi man dangerously riding a bicycle on Rabbi Akiva Street in Bnei Brak following right behind a bus.
When the bus stops, he uses the time to tear off the face of a woman appearing in the ad on the rear of the Dan Company bus.

Police Ask Court To Ban Peleg Protesers From Yerushalayim For 180 Days After Their Arrest On SundayA court on Monday refused to grant a police request, to distance Peleg Yerushalmi talmidim from the city after being arrested on Sunday during a Peleg protest in the capital.

2020 Newcomer Bloomberg Stepping Onto International StageNew York billionaire Michael Bloomberg launched his campaign less than three weeks ago, but he is already making his first foreign trip as a presidential candidate.
The Democrat will appear Tuesday at a United National global climate conference in Madrid, where he’ll share the results of his private push to organize thousands of U.S.

Arab Driver Who Killed Tzippy Rimmel & Newborn Was “Testing Out” New Car, Charges Upped To Negligent ManslaughterTariq Kurd, the 18-year-old Arab driver who plowed into the car of the Rimmel family last week, killing Tzipi Rimmel and her three-week-old infant, told police he was testing out his new car when the accident occurred.

 Kallah Whisked Away By Her family MINUTES Before Her Chuppah Takes Place [VIDEO]A Chareidi Kallah who was supposed to get married on Monday at her Chuppah in a high-class event hall in Ashkelon, was whisked away from the hall after she had arrived for the wedding photoshoot.

 Report On Russia Probe Found “Unacceptable” ProblemsA Justice Department inspector general report on the early days of the Russia investigation identified problems that are “unacceptable and unrepresentative of who we are as an institution,” FBI Director Chris Wray said Monday in detailing changes the bureau plans to make in response.

 Someone Forged IDF Induction Numbers to Show the Chareidim Meet Induction QuotasThe Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, headed by MK (Blue & White) Gabi Ashkenazi, a former IDF Chief of Staff, convened on Monday morning to discuss a KAN Reshet Bet News report that numbers pertaining to chareidi enlistment in recent years have been forged to the betterment of the chareidi community.

Netanyahu Security Guard Injured By Misfired BulletA security guard for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was injured after a gun was accidentally fired on Monday.
Magen David Adom crews were called to the Prime Minister’s residence in Cesaria following a report of a security guard that was injured by a misfired bullet.
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Two Killed, Two Seriously Injured After Car Overturns Down Embankment in NegevUnited Hatzalah volunteers and Magen David Adom Ambulance teams responded to a medical emergency that involved a car accident that took place on Highway 25 near the Abu Talul interchange in the Negev.
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