Israeli-Owned Multi-Million Dollar Surveillance Vehicle Impounded by Authorities in CyprusCypriot Police have impounded a commercial vehicle containing surveillance equipment that belongs to an Israeli. As a result, police conducted a search of the office of the company belonging to the owner of the vehicle on suspicion violating the privacy of individuals.

Difficulties in Trying to Arrange a Unified Siyum HaShas in IsraelIn a few short weeks, lomdei Daf Yomi around the world will complete the 13th cycle of the 7.5-year- limud program. In Eretz Yisrael, the program surrounding a main united siyum still does not exist.
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 Victim Struck By Vehicle In Critical ConditionA person is in critical condition after they were struck by a vehicle in Spring Valley on Sunday night.
It happened at around 10:00PM at the intersection of Route 59 and Dutch Lane.
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 Neturei Karta Leader Prays That Israel Be Erased And The Whole World Should Worship AllahOne of the heads of the Neturei Karta, Yisroel Meir Hirsch, published a video last week during the rocket attacks on Israel that raised the ire of hundreds of thousands of Israelis.

Arab MK Joint List Party Leader Ayman Odeh Asks For Security Detail After Viral PhotoHead of the Joint List in the Knesset, MK Ayman Odeh, has asked the Chief Officer of the Knesset, the Police and the Minister of Internal Security MK Gilad Erdan for a security detail after a photo was published wherein Odeh was shown wearing the fatigues of the Islamic Jihad.

Thousands Escort Satmar Rebbe Of Williamsburg As He Leaves On Trip To Eretz Yisroel [VIDEO & PHOTOS]The Williamsburg community is near gridlock on Sunday afternoon, as the Satmar Rebbe prepares to leave on a trip to visit Eretz Yisroel.
Many streets of Bedford Avenue have been closed all day Sunday with no parking on either side, as thousands of Satmar Chassidim will wish the Rebbe farewell as he leaves to the airport.

 On Eve Of Presidential Run, Bloomberg Apologizes For “Stop And Frisk” [SEE THE VIDEO]Michael Bloomberg on Sunday reversed his longstanding support of the controversial “stop-and-frisk” police strategy ahead of a potential Democratic presidential run, a policy he embraced as New York’s mayor even though it disproportionately impacted people of color.

 Lieberman And Gantz Meet And Say Major Progress Made To Form GovernmentThere is now a genuine fear that Chairman of the Blue & White Party, MK Benny Gantz, will present President Reuven Rivlin with his minority government to prevent a third round of elections.
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 Louisiana’s Dem Incumbent Defeats GOP’s Rispone In Tight Governor’s Race To Win Second TermDeep in the heart of the conservative South, Louisiana’s voters reelected Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards to a second term, shocking Republicans who had hoped to reclaim the seat on the strength of President Donald Trump’s popularity.

TEHILLIM – Rebbitzen Gittel Kaplan In Critical ConditionTehillim is needed for Rebbetzin Gittel Kaplan, the wife of Hagaon HaRav Nissan Kaplan, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Daas Aharon and former longtime Magid Shiur in the Mir Yerushalayim.
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