Off-Duty NYPD Officer Killed, Woman’s Foot Severed In NYC CrashAuthorities say an off-duty police officer was killed and a woman’s foot was severed in a single-car crash in New York City.
Police say the 25-year-old officer was speeding on the northbound FDR Drive at about 2:30 a.m.

Motzei Shabbos News Round-Up From IsraelDue to an unseasonal dry spell that is expected to blow over Israel this week, the Fire Department has issued a warning against any open flames in the country, including bonfires and mechanical or construction work that could create sparks as there is a real and present danger for large-scale wildfires should any shrubbery or wooded areas catch flame Fire Commissioner Dedi Simchi has put the fire departments around the country on high alert.

 Trump Undergoes Tests During Medical CheckupPresident Donald Trump spent more than two hours at Walter Reed National Medical Center on Saturday for what the White House said were medical tests as part of his annual physical.
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Bloomberg Pouring $100M In Anti-Trump Ad CampaignNew York billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is deciding whether to launch a Democratic presidential bid, is pouring $100 million into an online advertising campaign attacking President Donald Trump.
The campaign, which targets voters in four general election battleground states — Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — begins running on Friday, according to Bloomberg spokesman Jason Schechter.

TEHILLIM – United Hatzalah Volunteer In Serious Condition After Crash While Responding To EmergencyTehillim is needed for a United Hatzalah volunteer who was involved in a serious crash in Holon on Friday.
United Hatzalah President Eli Beer tells YWN that the volunteer was responding to an emergency on his Ambucycle, when a vehicle struck him.

Roger Stone Convicted of All Counts in Federal TrialRoger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump, was found guilty Friday of witness tampering and lying to Congress about his pursuit of Russian-hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election bid.
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Trump Trolls Ambassador As She Testifies, Says All Her Diplomatic Assignments ‘Turned Bad’Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, pointed her finger at President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani while detailing her sudden removal from her diplomatic post during Friday’s nationally-televised impeachment testimony, as the president fired back in realtime and said every place she worked “turned bad.”

 HaGaon HaRav Mutzafi Mocks Chassidish Davening in ShteiblachHaGaon HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi Shlita, a prominent sephardi posek in Eretz Yisrael mocks ashkenazi chassidim and their style of Davening in shteiblach. The rav made his remarks during a weekly shiur.
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 Neighbors Complained to Police the Day Before Miriam Peretz A”H was MurderedNew details are surfacing from the ongoing police investigation into the death of 17-year-old Miriam Peretz A”H, the off-the-derech girl from a chareidi family, whose lifeless body was found in the home of 55-year-old Majid Ilan, in the Beit Safafa neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Three Arabs Indicted For Attacking Chareidi Man At Kever Shimon HaTzaddik In YerushalayimIndictments were handed down in the Jerusalem District Court on Thursday, November 14, 2019, against three Arab residents of the capital, ages 15-17, for attacking a chareidi man who was walking to Kever Shimon HaTzaddik on November 2, 2019 as well as three other chareidim.
