State of Emergency Declared in Israel’s HomefrontIn a move signaling that war is imminent chas v’sholom, Israel has ordered the closure of “all non-essential businesses” from Gaza up to Gush Dan. This includes Tel Aviv, Holon, Ramat Gan, Givatayim and Rishon L’Tzion.
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 Israel Kills Powerful Islamic Jihad Commander al-AtaThe Israeli military says it has struck a Gaza City house, targeting a commander from the Islamic Jihad group in a resumption of pinpointed killing.
The Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorist confirmed Tuesday that Bahaa Abu el-Atta, its north Gaza Strip commander, was killed.

NYC Could See First Snow of Season on Tuesday, Possible Record Cold WednesdayThe first snow of the season may actually arrive Tuesday as some cold rain looks to transition into snow.
While the snow should not amount to much more than a coating in the city, areas to the far north and west in the higher elevations could get an inch or two.

 Jewish Man Stabbed In The Face In Attempted RobberyA Jewish man is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed in what appears to have been an attempted robbery in Far Rockaway, Queens.
Sources tell YWN that the incident happened on Monday just after 1:00PM, when the victim – who is a contractor – received a phone call from a woman calling for an estimate on a construction job at Jarvis Avenue & Beach 7th Street.

 Hasidic Mother Of Children Pelted With Eggs Says [Boro Park] “Community is Not Safe Anymore”The mother of children targeted in a one of a series of egg attacks on Jewish targets over the weekend in Brooklyn is speaking out.
Police said a synagogue was vandalized with eggs around 6 p.m.

 “Enough Incitement!” – Pens Letter To Pres. Rivlin Imploring Him To Influence LibermanIn anticipation of President Reuven Rivlin’s planned meeting with Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Liberman this week, Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman (Agudat Yisrael) wrote a letter to Rivlin, requesting him to influence Liberman to lower the flames of incitement towards the Chareidi sector, Kikar Shabbos reported on Monday.

 ‘Shabus’ Chillul Shabbos Bus Service Discontinued in Jerusalem Due To Lack Of UseIt appears the initiative named ‘Shabus’ to provide limited bus service to residents on Shabbos R”L has failed in Yerushalayim and as a result, the service is being halted.
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4 Ukrainians Receive Prison Terms For Fatally Beating R’ Menachem Mendel Deitsch Z”LA Ukrainian court in the town of Zhytomyr sentenced four Ukrainians to prison for viciously beating Rabbi Menachem Mendel Deitsch and leaving him for dead three years ago, Ynet reported on Sunday.

Chareidi Teen to Collect NIS 17,000 After Being Manhandled by Police [SEE THE VIDEO]A 17-year-old chareidi youth who was manhandled by police is going to receive NIS 17,000 in compensation from the department after attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir took the department to court, charging police with unjustifiable physical force and abuse as seen in the accompanying video.

 “I THINK WE LANDED” Woman Heard Saying As American Airlines Jet Skids Off Runway In Scary LandingA plane slid off the runway on Monday morning at Chicago O’Hare International Airport amid hazardous weather conditions. No passengers were injured during the scare.
