Rep. Ilhan Omar Tweet Has Her Labeled An Anti-SemiteA Tweet on Saturday by anti-Semite U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has revived accusations of anti-Semitism against the freshman congresswoman and member of the far-left “Squad.”
Early Saturday afternoon, Omar reacted to a news report that said businessman Leon Cooperman had decided to back billionaire Michael Bloomberg for president.

Israel’s Weather Includes an Unseasonable Sharav HeatwaveA slight increase in temperatures are expected throughout Israel today, Sunday, November 10, 2019. The unseasonably warm and dry temperatures are expected to continue in the coming days. Temperatures in northern areas are expected to be 6 degrees centigrade warmer than seasonable on Sunday afternoon.

Motzei Shabbos News Round-Up From IsraelOver the course of Shabbos, four Palestinians from the Gaza strip cut through the security fence and crossed over into Israel. After a short time, the four returned to the Gaza Strip.
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Manafort’s Former Son-In-Law Sentenced For Multiple ScamsPaul Manafort’s former son-in-law has been sentenced in Los Angeles to nine years in prison for pulling a series of schemes totaling more than $13 million, including one that bilked $3 million from actor Dustin Hoffman.
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Netanyahu Appoints Bennett As Defense Minister, Parties to UniteIn a dramatic move on Friday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appointed New Right Party Leader Naftali Bennett to the position of Defense Minister in the interim cabinet that is currently presiding over the Knesset while attempts to form a new coalitions take place.

3 Dead, Dozens Injured As Australia Wildfires Raze HomesCANBERRA, Australia — Wildfires razing Australia’s drought-stricken east coast have left three people dead, several missing and dozens injured, with over 150 homes destroyed, officials said Saturday.

 Why I’m Going To The Siyum HaShasLet me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in Flatbush and went to regular mainstream Yeshivos. I learned in a top Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael, learned in Kollel in BMG for almost 10 years after my chassunah.
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 Teen Arrested In Connection To Alleged Anti-Semitic AttacksA teenager has been arrested in connection to a series of alleged anti-Semitic hate crimes in Brooklyn.
Police say the 16-year-old was arrested Friday morning.
Surveillance video captured the four incidents, which occurred in Borough Park last weekend.

US Officials Identify ‘Strong Culprit’ In Vaping IllnessesU.S. health officials announced a breakthrough Friday into the cause of a mysterious outbreak of vaping illnesses, reporting they have a “very strong culprit.”
The same chemical compound was found in fluid taken from the lungs of 29 patients across the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

 Namesakes Of Gabi Or Rivky Holtzberg HY”DThe family of the Chabad sheluchim Gabi and Rivky Holzberg, who were murdered al kiddush Hashem in Mumbai in 2008, are calling on anyone who named a child after the couple to be in touch for a special project, Collive reported on Tuesday.
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