NYC To Offer Mets Tickets, Doughnut Gift Cards To Get Freed Inmates Back In CourtThere’s controversy ahead over new criminal justice reforms.
Cash bail will be eliminated Jan. 1 for hundreds of offenses, and as many as 900 defendants could be let out earlier and given rewards to get them to show up to court, CBS2’s Lisa Rozner reported Monday.

“RON KOBI IS A NAZI” Graffiti In Tiveria Found Near YeshivaGraffiti “Ron Kobi is a Nazi” was discovered on Tuesday morning near Talmid Torah Tiferes Tiveria near the kever of Rabbi Akiva.
Tiveria Mayor Ron Kobi arrived at the scene and once again, launched a live broadcast on Facebook, in which he said, “I took part in the memorial for Yitzchak Rabin just a few days ago.

Levaya of Hagaon HaRav Shamshon Grozovsky ZATZALYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Shamshon Grozovsky ZATZAL. He was 97.
Rav Grozovsky was born in Vilna to his father, Hagaon HaRav Reuven Gozovsky, who was a son in law of Hagaon HaRav Boruch Ber Leibowitz ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Kaminetz.
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 President Trump To Have Lunch With 100 Orthodox Jews In NYC Next WeekPresident Trump will be joining more than 100 Orthodox jews in NYC for lunch next week.
The details of the major event were kept under wraps the past few months, as it was being arranged and a date set.
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 At Least 9 US Citizens – MOST Children – Murdered In Cartel Attack In North MexicoAt least three women and six children, all apparently U.S. citizens, were slaughtered by drug cartel gunmen in northern Mexico, officials said Tuesday. Six children were found alive, one child had a bullet wound and one child was still missing.

New Israeli App Aids People In Locating Relatives’ Kevarim In Israeli CemeteriesA new Israeli app assists people in locating the kevarim of their relatives in Israeli cemeteries with turn-by-turn voice directions, according to a Reuters report.
The application, called Gravez, developed by app development company Corido, can be downloaded on any cellphone.

Levaya of Rebbetzin Zissel (Gisele) Horovitz A”HYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbetzin Zissel (Gisele) Horovitz A”H. She was 92.
She was a Mechaneches at Bais Yaakov in Boro Park for more than 50 years, where she had thousands of students, instilling in them Yiras Shomayim, and teaching them Torah, Halacha and Tzniyus.
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HaRav Meir Kessler Of Modi’in Illit Speaks Out Against Learning “Secular Subjects”The Mora D’asra of Modi’in Illit, HaRav Meir Kessler, spoke out against teaching children secular subjects, warning, “They are preparing the children for the workplace”.

US Tells UN It Is Pulling Out Of Paris Climate DealThe United States has told the United Nations it has begun the process of pulling out of the landmark 2015 Paris climate agreement.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday that he submitted a formal notice to the United Nations.
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Israel Preparing for Flu Season & the National Vaccination ProgramIsrael on Monday, November 4, 2019, officially launched its annual campaign for Israelis to get vaccinated against the flu, placing on emphasis on the high-risk population groups. The first vaccinations will be given to members of the high-risk categories as the vaccinations have arrived in Israel.
