Tel Aviv Family Court Orders Mother To Vaccinate Her ChildrenThe Tel Aviv Family Court ordered a woman to vaccinate her children after the children’s father filed a lawsuit against her, a Haaretz report said on Monday.
The woman was ordered to vaccinate her two children, aged four and seven, within 14 days.
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 Thoughts of a Longtime Hatzolah Member On The Ezras Nashim FiascoThe Chillul Hashem that played out last week in a public forum has shook me to the core. As a member of Chevra Hatzolah, I can’t help but feel the need to stand up for the organization for which I proudly volunteer and defend them for the way they have been portrayed by the liberal media.

Test Flight Of Israel’s Air Force 1 Sunday [VIDEO]After last week’s test of Israel’s new Air Force 1, which left the plane on the runway after its brakes caught fire, another test was scheduled for Sunday morning. The test of the Boeing 767-300ER at Ben-Gurion ahead of the plane’s first official flight was a failure, as the brake’s malfunctioned.
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In Fading Ritual, WWII Rescuer Reunites With Jews She SavedOne by one, the 40 descendants of a group of Israeli siblings leaned down and hugged the elderly Greek woman to whom they owe their very existence, as she sat in her wheelchair and wiped away tears streaking down her wrinkled face.
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 Whistleblower Willing To Take Written GOP QuestionsA lawyer for the whistleblower who raised alarms about President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine said Sunday his client is willing to answer written questions submitted by House Republicans.
The surprise offer, made to Rep.
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Former President Jimmy Carter Is Back Teaching Sunday SchoolFormer President Jimmy Carter taught a Bible lesson on life after death Sunday less than two weeks after breaking his pelvis in a fall.
Using a walker, the 95-year-old Democrat slowly entered the crowded sanctuary at Maranatha Baptist Church in the southwest Georgia town of Plains.

 Nearly Half Of Voters Want Trump Impeached; Biden Leads Trump By 12 PointsNearly half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a new Fox News Poll. In addition, 6-in-10 believe the president did ask foreign leaders to investigate political opponents — and two-thirds say that action is inappropriate.

 Numerous Hasidic Jews Attacked On Friday Night; Expect A DeBlasio Tweet And Nothing ElseMultiple victims were assaulted in what the Boro Park community is calling a string of hate crimes.
Sources tell YWN that the disturbing incidents started at around 12:20AM (Friday night / Shabbos morning) on New Utrecht Avenue and 53rd Street.

Body Found in a Utility Room in Ponevezh YeshivaThe body of a 70-year-old man was found in a utility room in Ponevezh Yeshiva during the night. Police and Hatzolah were summoned to the scene. The person was pronounced dead at the scene.
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Levaya of HaRav Yakov Lipschutz ZATZAL, Rov Of K’hal Bais Yosef in MonseyYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Yakov Halevi Lipschutz ZATZAL, a long time Rov in Monsey at Khal Bais Yosef. He was 87.
As a Bochur, Rav Lipschutz learned in Torah Vodaas and went to Beis Medrash Elyon in Monsey in 1952.
