How to Avoid Three Torah Prohibitions Before Yom KippurBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for
Rav Nachum Yavrov zt”l of Bnei Brak, who passed away but ten weeks ago, was one of Klal Yisroel’s greatest Poskim.  The depth and brilliance of all 18 volumes of his Divrei Sofrim series have made them the outstanding sefer in virtually every discipline of halacha.

 ‘Access-A-Ride’ Bus Slams Into Bench On Ocean Pkwy, Minor Injuries Reported [VIDEO & PHOTOS]In what can be described as nothing less than a miracle, no one was killed or even seriously injured in a crash on Ocean Parkway on Sunday afternoon.
It happened at around 2:00PM on Ocean Parkway near Avenue N, when a vehicle collided with an Access-A-Ride bus, causing the bus to lose control, jump the curb, and slam into one of the benches that line the street.

Animal Rights Activists Protest At Williamsburg Kapparos Centers; One Man Steals Chickens And Runs [VIDEO & PHOTOS]The season has begun, and the protesters are back at work.
A few dozens animal-rights activists protested at multiple Kapparos centers in Williamsburg on Sunday afternoon.
At the Krula Shul, two chickens were stolen in a heroic act of life-saving.

Credible Threats Prompt Increased Security for Chabad Houses And Israeli Embassy In IndiaBecause of credible threats received by security agencies, security has been increased around Chabad Houses located in India. Local law enforcement agencies have increased security for the Chabad Houses.

Shin Bet Arrest Bedouin Man For Trying To Join ISISISA (Israel Security Agency/Shin Bet) agents arrested a 20-year-old man, a resident of the Bedouin community of Tel Sheva in southern Israel after learning of his affiliation with ISIS. Agents found military uniforms, pistols, kneepads, binoculars and a flak jacket in his home.
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SECOND Whistleblower Comes Forward In Trump-Ukraine; Claims Has First Hand KnowledgeA second whistleblower has come forward with concerns about President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, the lawyer representing this person told ABC News on Sunday.
This whistleblower has first-hand knowledge of allegations listed in a previous whistleblower’s complaint, said the lawyer, Mark Zaid.

Tefilos Needed for HaGaon HaRav Nissim KarelitzThe condition of Av Beis Din Bnei Brak, HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita, has deteriorated and he is in need of tefilos.
The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for Rav Shmaryahu Yosef Nissim ben Batya for a refuah shleima bsoch cholei yisrael.
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 Attempted Robbery On 17 Ave & 51, Burglary on 16 Ave & 65 StreetThere were two incidents in Boro Park on Motzei Shabbos, one of them resulting in an NYPD chopper hovering overhead.
The first incident occurred on 17 Avenue and 51 Street, when two Bochirm were the victims of an attempted robbery just after 9:00PM.

Jewish Comptroller Scott Stringer Says He Is “Proud” To Be Friend Of Anti-Semite SharptonNYC Comptroller, Scott M. Stringer, a Jew, took to Twitter today to wish a happy birthday to the “Reverend” Al Shrpton.
Stringer tweeted that he “is proud” to be a friend of Sharpton, and thanked him for his “many years of service to our city and our country”.

Trump BLASTS Romney Over Criticism About Trump’s China WordsMost Republican leaders were silent or supportive of President Donald Trump’s public call for another foreign government, China, to investigate his political foe, while a handful voiced concern that the president was trying to enlist a rival power in his reelection effort.
