Tens of thousands of people gathered in Yerushalayim, Sunday afternoon, to attend a historic election rally headed by Gedolei Hador Shlita, at the Bar Illan and Shmuel Hanavi intersections. Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky was travelling from Bnei Brak to the rally, followed by him going to the Kosel to Daven. Many Gedolim are expected to attend, including the Gerrer Rebbe, Sanzer Rebbe, Boyaner Rebbe, Hagaon Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi and many others. The crowd will hear speeches by many including MK Moshe Gafne and MK Yaakov Litzman. THIS POST WILL BE UPDATED AS THE EVENT CONTINUES *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time.

The final pre-election poll for the upcoming race for 22nd Knesset was released, and the results show that the right-wing is still two seats short of a minimum majority of 61 seats. This being the case, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would not be able to establish a coalition government without the backing of Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party. According to the poll, which was conducted by Midgam Institute on Friday, released on News12, if elections for 22nd was held today, the following would be the results.

In one class in the kindergarten of Talmud Torah Medrash Meir in Kiryat Sefer, there are 21 children with the name Hillel, named after Rosh Yeshivas Knesses HaGedolah HaGaon Rav Hillel Zaks ZT”L. According to a BeChadrei Chareidim report, in the kindergarten, 21 of the 29 children have the first name Hillel, all named after the late rosh yeshiva, who was niftar 4.5 years ago, and this is the first group of children entering the school system carrying his name. In the city of Modi’in Illit, there are mosdos of Rav Hillel ZT”L, including a yeshiva gedola, yeshiva ketana, and now the new talmud torah, which opened to a kindergarten, mechina and continues to second grade.

Iran denied on Sunday it was involved in Yemen rebel drone attacks the previous day that hit the world’s biggest oil processing facility and an oil field in Saudi Arabia, just hours after America’s top diplomat alleged that Tehran was behind the “unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply.” The attacks Saturday claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels resulted in “the temporary suspension of production operations” at the Abqaiq processing facility and the Khurais oil field, Riyadh said. That led to the interruption of an estimated 5.7 million barrels in crude supplies, authorities said while pledging the kingdom’s stockpiles would make up the difference. The amount Saudi Arabia is cutting back is equivalent to over 5% of the world’s daily production.

President Donald Trump gave a boost Saturday to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu days before he faces his fiercest political test in more than a decade. Trump publicly expressed support in a tweet for moving forward with discussions on a U.S.-Israel mutual defense treaty, embracing a Netanyahu priority as the Israeli leader hopes that his ties with the American leader will bring him another term. Netanyahu is perhaps Trump’s closest ally on the world stage, and the U.S. president has expressed optimism that he will survive Tuesday’s vote.

Netanyahu requested an emergency meeting with Judge Chaim Meltzer on Shabbos. A Likud spokesperson said that the meeting was called because of the results of an investigation carried out by Kalman Livskid last week that found that the previous election results were tampered with. According to the report, police only investigated two out of 82 problematic ballot boxes where supervisors of the boxes reported that people voted with fake identification. The result of these 80 problematic boxes caused the Yamin Hachadash party to not pass the electoral threshold, thereby preventing Netanyahu from forming a government in the previous election. Netanyahu asked for the emergency meeting in order to create a plan to prevent these elections from being tampered with.

A man was arrested Friday in connection with a fire that destroyed a 119-year-old synagogue, Minnesota authorities said. Adas Israel Synagogue in Duluth, about 155 miles northeast of Minneapolis, caught fire early Monday morning. The fire left the synagogue in ruins, but WCCO reported that firefighters were able to save several religious relics including eight Torah scrolls. The man was identified as Matthew James Amiot, 36, who was booked on a first-degree arson charge, according to Sgt. Matt Donnelly with the St. Louis County Jail. Amiot will appear at St. Louis County court in Duluth on Monday. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time.

The NYPD is investigating another hate incident, this one in Flatbush. Sources tell YWN that two swastikas were found in the park at a public school yard located at 700 Cortelyou Rd. Hate Crimes Task Force is working the case. No further details were available. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts***** (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Beto O’Rourke’s “hell yes” moment at the Democrats’ presidential debate is scrambling his party’s message on guns. The Democrats have long contended their support of gun control laws does not mean they want to take away law-abiding citizens’ firearms. But on Friday, they struggled to square that message with their presidential contender’s full-throated call on national TV for confiscating assault rifles. “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47, and we’re not going to allow it to be used against your fellow Americans anymore,” the former Texas congressman declared during Thursday night’s debate. 2020 Presidential Candidate Beto O'Rourke: "Hell yes!

The White House announced Saturday that Hamza bin Laden , the son of the late al-Qaida leader who had become an increasingly prominent figure in the terrorist organization, was killed in a U.S. counterterrorism operation in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. A statement issued in President Donald Trump’s name gave no further details, such as when Hamza bin Laden was killed or how the United States had confirmed his death. Administration officials would provide no more information beyond the three-sentence statement from the White House. American officials have said there are indications that the CIA, not the U.S. military, conducted the strike. The CIA declined comment on whether the agency was involved.
