14-Year-Old Boy Niftar Nearly 3 Years After Struck By Vehicle In Boro ParkA 14-year-old boy was sadly Niftar on Monday night, nearly three years after he was struck by a vehicle in Boro Park.
Moshe Yehuda Wolpin Z”L (son of Reb Dovid) was 11-years-old when he was on his bicycle on the way to yeshiva when he was struck by a vehicle at the corner of Dahill Road and Cortelyou Road.

 Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff Helps Complete Sefer Torah At Beaver Lake Estates [PHOTOS]It was a festive day at Beaver Lake Estates in Monticello on Sunday, as the Shul welcomed a new Sefer Torah to its Shul, Congregation Ahavas Yisroel.
Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff, one of the only Jewish Sheriff’s in the United States attended the event along with Undersheriff Eric Chaboty.

Israeli Spymaster Says Iran Responsible For Recent AttacksThe head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency said on Monday that Iran was behind a string of recent attacks on targets across the Persian Gulf.
Yossi Cohen spoke at an annual security conference shortly before Iran acknowledged that it surpassed uranium enrichment limits set by the 2015 nuclear deal.

Trump Lashes Out At New York Governor, Attorney GeneralPresident Donald Trump lashed out at New York’s governor and attorney general Monday, accusing the Democrats of going after him in a “political Witch Hunt.”
In four tweets, Trump accused Gov.
Read more on Yeshiva World News

 ‘Domestic’ Terrorists Could Target July 4 Holiday EventsThe following is via ABC News:
Federal authorities are warning that white supremacists and other political radicals could look to attack Independence Day revelers on July 4, noting in a bulletin to law enforcement around the country that domestic terrorists “have attacked perceived oppressors, opponents, or enemies engaged in outdoor First Amendment-protected rallies or protests during past summers.”

 125 Morristown Chabad Yeshiva Students Receive Semicha [PHOTO GALLERY]Close to 600 people flocked to the RCA to witness Rabbi Israel Lau, former chief Rabbi of Israel, preside over the Rabbinical Ordination ceremony for 125 students. Family, friends and supporters hailed from 12 countries and 15 States to be present at this auspicious event.

 Facebook Site Evacuated After Mail Tests Positive For SarinA Facebook mail processing warehouse has been evacuated as Silicon Valley officials try to determine what caused a bag of mail to test positive for the nerve agent sarin.
Menlo Park Fire Marshal Jon Johnston said Monday that incoming mail going through routine processing tested positive for sarin.

 Verified Account With 816,000 Followers Tweets Death CallPerhaps someone from Twitter can explain to us, how a tweet openly calling for the death of Jews took more than 14 hours to be removed?
And not only that, but a “verified” Twitter account, with more than 816,000 followers.

 Chabad Rav Ousted From Shul In Poland As Local Jewish Kehilla Doesn’t Want A Chareidi ShulJews along with the local Chabad Shaliach, Rabbi Eliezer Gurary, were expelled from a shul in Krakow, as several local thugs assisted nefarious individuals in taking over the area’s only chareidi shul.

 Yisrael Beitenu Party’s New Video Mocks Chareidim And PM NetanyahuThe following video represents the latest campaign video of the Yisrael Beitenu party, which is headed by MK Avigdor Lieberman.
The video, which is self-explanatory, mocks the Prime Minister and chareidim, warning voters that a vote for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is a vote for a ‘halachic state’ and a vote for Yisrael Beitenu is a vote for a ‘Jewish non-halachic state’.
