Political correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn tries to make sense of Knesset chaos; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman on what's in a label and what Baltic states learn from Israel

PM, Yamina's Orbach meet again; Sa'ar advances contentious settler law bill; Meretz leadership to discuss rebel MK Rinawie Zoabi; Ra'am seems to prep for wayward MK Ghanaim's exit

Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi indicates she won't submit to pressure to quit; coalition also dealing with threats from the right, with Bennett set to meet Sunday with with Yamina MK Orbach

Report says left-wing party and fellow coalition faction Ra'am have told PM they've lost control of Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi and Mazen Ghanaim

Latest surveys have former PM's current opposition bloc at 60 seats; Yamina's Orbach said to give Bennett ultimatum to solve voting problems with Meretz, Ra'am within a week

'You can't publicly and personally decide for Israel that this gov't will collapse,' fellow Meretz member tells Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi after she helped defeat renewal of settler law

Report says Idit Silman told coalition figure that she'll release files on Nir Orbach if Bennett's party seeks to punish her for defecting: 'He'll come out of this finished'

Government's Ra'am party breaks ranks to vote in favor of preliminary legislation from opposition's Joint List, as imperiled coalition appears headed for a collapse

Ra'am chief says if coalition crisis continues, he will support heading for elections; settler leader slams opposition for voting against bill renewing Israeli law in settlements

Yamina appears to not be in a hurry to label renegade MK Idit Silman a defector, but MKs Zoabi and Ghanaim face pressure to quit as lawmakers
