Justice minister says parties unable to control members are not part of government and he 'cannot be blind to the possibility that this experiment has run its course'

Failed votes on settler bill and ministerial post have deepened cracks that could threaten survival of coalition once vaunted for its myriad ideologies, but now felled by them

Asked if government is near its end, Bennett says 'absolutely not'; rebel lawmakers face pressure to quit Knesset as coalition weighs next steps after failing to renew settler law

But silence of New Hope's Gideon Sa'ar, who said vote was a test of coalition's desire to survive, raises questions how long alliance can carry on

Ra'am's Ghaniam and Rinawie Zoabi of Meretz vote against critical measure, joining opposition MKs, who have vowed to shoot down all government-sponsored measures

In interview blitz, minister claims those refusing to support legislation are ones putting coalition at risk, says current government still least bad option, but it must function

MK Rozin says left-wing party will support legislation as it continues status quo, suggests New Hope creating a crisis to break up government

The allocation of money, held up in government ministries, is part of the government's 5-year plan; right-wing MK Smotrich calls move 'irresponsible'

Faction head says first reading of proposal has been put off, after Meretz MK returns to the fold

Nir Orbach said to warn he could soon flee as 'this government increasingly has the image of one that capitulates to Arabs'
