Finance minister tells Citibank executives 'noise' over overhaul will 'settle down'; discusses banning grandchildren of Jews from immigrating to Israel in meeting with ZOA's Klein

Lobbying group for Russian-speaking Israelis holds fierce debate on cutting the 'grandchild clause,' with all sides acknowledging that it won't happen fast

Poll finds more people think foreign Jews should be part of debate on proposal to revoke 'grandchild clause,' but lots don't know; most think such a move would cut immigration

Doron Almog says he hopes to connect Jews' hearts, find compromise for conversions and act as the voice of world Jewry, even it means speaking out to Israel's own government

In highly irregular letter, heads of the Jewish Agency, Jewish Federations, WZO and Keren Hayesod say they have 'deep concern' about certain members of the incoming government

Coalition agreement with Haredi parties confirms 'grandchild clause' granting citizenship to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent could be repealed, but it's not dead yet