As kingdom hosts Qatari emir at Gulf nations summit, Saudi foreign minister says agreement represents 'turning of the page on all points of difference'

Sheikh Hamad Al Thani embraced by Saudi crown prince following announcement that kingdom would end years-long embargo on Gulf state

While admitting that deal unlikely before Trump leaves office, senior US official says Gulf detente does remove an obstacle; analysts assert the two issues are unrelated

Step toward ending diplomatic crisis between US allies paves way for Qatari ruler to attend Saudi-hosted Gulf nations summit later this week

Doha reportedly views Jerusalem as potential ally in mending relations with fellow Gulf nations; Israeli officials even claim normalization not out of the question

In new book on Middle East's changing alliances, Sigurd Neubauer explores Jerusalem's little-known role as mediator in rivalries between Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar

Six-member Gulf Cooperation Council says Tehran must adhere to United Nations charter and not interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries

Two days after deal announced, Israeli TV stations interview upbeat Emirati politicians, locals; in the GCC's other 5 countries, by contrast, there's unease at idea of public ties

Despite many disputes between its members, Gulf Cooperation Council says it is 'inappropriate' to lift sanctions until Tehran 'abandons its destabilizing activities in the region'

World's largest public firm, all 7 stock markets in Gulf Cooperation Council hit by panicky sell-off on first day of trading since Soleimani killing
