Reports say two Arab-Israeli cousins are to be buried overnight in northern town of Umm al-Fahm amid police conditions on limited attendance, no incitement

Prosecutors allege Muhammad Gassan Mahajina, Hassan Mahajina knew the IS gunmen who killed 2 border cops last month intended to carry out attack, with latter helping them get ammo

In Ramadan address, jihadist group criticizes 'secular terrorists' of Fatah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, says Jerusalem can only be liberated through return of the caliphate

Move follows Bennett's order to use controversial practice of holding suspects without trial as part of efforts to prevent further terror attacks, after spate of deadly assaults

In visit to West Bank army base, prime minister says string of recent deadly attacks must serve as a 'wake-up call' for officials to correct past mistakes

Remains of 5 attackers are still in Israeli custody; officials concerned about legal ramifications of not allowing burial of terrorists who were Israeli citizens

Post deleted after call from Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked; mayor, who had condemned attack, blames external company running city’s social media

Gantz vows to ‘flood the streets’ with thousands of IDF reservists if needed; Netanyahu suggests government can’t fight terror because of coalition’s Ra’am party

Leaders discuss importance of regional partnerships, as exemplified by Negev Summit, White House says, making no mention of Iran or Palestinians

With 11 people killed in three attacks in eight days, the fear is that Israel is facing a fresh, intifada-style onslaught. It isn't... at least, not yet
