Border Police officers rescued a Charedi family of five, who got stuck while hiking near Nachal Sorek. The police received an emergency call for help from the family who was stuck on the hike. Read more on Yeshiva World News
A majority of Federal Reserve officials last month believed that economic conditions would likely warrant keeping the Fed’s benchmark policy unchanged for the rest of this year.
Several officials said their view could shift in either direction based on incoming data, according to minutes of the meeting released Wednesday.
The counting of the IDF votes is complete and it was announced that the New Right party headed by Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked remains outside of the 21st Knesset, falling short of the required 3.25% of the vote, the minimum a party must received to be in Knesset.
President Donald Trump says there’s only one person in charge of his immigration policy: Him.
Asked by reporters Wednesday whether he had considered tapping his influential aide, Stephen Miller, to lead the Department of Homeland Security given Miller’s focus on the issue, Trump was ready with praise — but not a promotion.
The process of counting the remaining 270,000 votes, those of the IDF soldiers, hospitals and prisons continues on Thursday, with the results expected later in the day. The counting of these votes began on Wednesday night. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Thanks to the quick response by the maritime police on the Mediterranean Sea and rescue teams on the ground three yeshiva bochrim who partially drowned on Wednesday were rescued and survived the incident. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her tax return for 2018, reporting that she and her husband paid more than $200,000 in taxes on a joint income of about $900,000 last year. Read more on Yeshiva World News
Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday he is reviewing the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, declaring he believed the president’s campaign had been spied on and wanted to make sure proper procedures were followed. Read more on Yeshiva World News
A man in his 50s suffered smoke inhalation and a woman around 25-years-old suffered burns after an electric bicycle battery exploded in a Netanya parking garage.
The incident occurred around 5:00PM in a garage on HaAhva Street in the city.
President Donald Trump, facing a congressional deadline for his administration to provide his tax returns, said Wednesday that he “won’t do it” while he’s under audit by the IRS.
Trump told reporters on the White House lawn that “I would love to give them, but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit.”
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