NEW YORK (AP) — New York City’s death toll from the coronavirus may be thousands of fatalities worse than the official tally kept by the city and state, according to an analysis released Monday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Between mid-March and early May, about 24,000 more people died in the […]

Chicago (AP) — Twitter announced Monday it will warn users when a tweet contains disputed or misleading information about the coronavirus. The new rule is the latest in a wave of stricter policies that tech companies are rolling out to confront an outbreak of virus-related misinformation on their sites. Twitter will take a case-by-case approach […]

MERON (VINnews) — Despite the fact that nobody except for a few journalists and the privileged quota of people will be allowed to enter the area of Rashbi’s tomb for Lag Ba’Omer’s bonfire lightings tonight, a festive atmosphere already prevails at the site with musicians rehearsing for the audience from all around the country which […]

BNEI BRAK (VINnews) — In an edifying interview with Kikar Hashabat, Ponovezh Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Baruch Dov (Berel) Povarsky set out his views on how to educate children to grow in Torah and be attached to their studies even when they are not in their regular frameworks due to the current epidemic. The Rosh Yeshiva […]

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Despite the easing of the lockdown in Israel, with malls, parks and beaches opening over the last few days, shuls are still officially closed. Police raided the Zichron Moshe shul near Geulah where minyanim are taking place and started a heated argument with R’ Yossel Gutfarb, a famous Jerusalem Badchan (wedding entertainer). […]

LONDON (AP) — U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday outlined a “conditional plan” for reopening British society in the coming months, including the possible return to school for some young children at the start of June, as well as some easing of the coronavirus lockdown in England. In a televised address to the nation, […]

NEW YORK (AP) — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has repeatedly found its suggestions for fighting the coronavirus outbreak taking a backseat to other concerns within the Trump administration. That leaves public health experts outside government fearing the agency’s decades of experience in beating back disease threats are going to waste. “You have […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence is self-isolating after an aide tested positive for the coronavirus last week, joining three of the nation’s top scientists in taking protective steps after possible exposure, in another stark reminder that not even one of the nation’s most secure buildings is immune from the virus. An administration official […]

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Before the coronavirus outbreak, Saundra Andringa-Meuer was a healthy 61-year-old mother of six who never smoked or drank alcohol. Then she became seriously ill with the disease after traveling from her Wisconsin home to help her son move from college in Connecticut. She was hospitalized in March, ending up in […]

NEW YORK (AP) – We come not to praise the loogie, but to bury it. Already banned on sidewalks, outlawed indoors and pooh-poohed by polite society, that gob of saliva and Lord-knows-what-else is done mucking up sports. In the wake of the new coronavirus, teams are revoking the germ-landing privileges that turned dugouts, benches, boxing […]
