Jonathan Pollard's middle of the night arrival is met with a modicum of excitement from most. Now the question is what's next for him, and for Netanyahu

Israel is going gangbusters for the COVID-19-busting vaccine and there's enough for everyone, assuming the doses keep coming. Until then, the fake lockdowns should keep us safe

Shopkeepers are sad and frustrated, teachers are angry and parents are confused, but those who want to are able to see deliverance from the plague and its shutdowns coming up fast

Israel is going back under lock and key and it seems nobody is happy about the move, though some, like Likud and store owners, try to make the best of a bad situation

Israel is zooming ahead with its plans to get everyone vaccinated, possibly helped by the fact that some are being allowed to jump the line and run over grandma

A fresh closure, which includes the partial shutting of schools, is met with unholy anger only matched by a defecting Ze'ev Elkin, who is seen as dealing a major strike to Likud

There's 3 whole months before we go back to the ballot box, but the media wastes no time rushing into the scrum of horse-trading, polls, speculation and virus-fueled fury

Some Knesset parking lot trickery kicks off election season, with Netanyahu readying to face a rabble of right-wing rivals just as a jogger's murder brings terror fears to the fore

The London coronavirus mutation delivers a kick in the teeth to the vaccine's shot in the arm, a 3rd lockdown may loom, and politicians make a deal that may be too much too late

Reports of last-minute efforts to keep the coalition alive and avoid elections are everywhere, but there's a lot to work out and not much time
