Grocery stores ordered to pull from shelves 10 different types of hummus products produced by the Osem food manufacturing giant with an expiration date of December 26, 2022

Yarmulkes share room with keffiyehs at inaugural Abrahamic Hummus Championship hosted by Hebraica Jewish club in Sao Paulo; Christian Arab team declared winners by jury

Damascus authorities says smugglers crushed up 2 dozen kilograms of captagon and used paste to 'mold pottery-like dishes coated with a brown adhesive'

Russia's invasion of Ukraine, weather and transportation issues are threatening global supply of legume

Legumes will be delivered in a mini-greenhouse to the International Space Station to check if they can grow in a zero-gravity environment

Carefully selected seeds to be grown on International Space Station, while thousands of students in Israel conduct parallel experiment as control

Movie follows Arab Israeli microbiologist-turned-chef during Haifa's A-Sham Festival, which is devoted to culinary collaborations between Jewish and Arab chefs

35 projects, part of Rakia program of research studies on International Space Station, to be performed by Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe this spring

FDA says no consumers have filed complaints about 10-ounce 'Classic Hummus' items which have a best before date of April 26

With a delivery-friendly Shabbat staple, Jewish and Israeli home chefs connect with lovers of Mideastern food, often using it as a backup livelihood in the coronavirus era
