Hospital says child remains in critical condition after suffering 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns all over his body in Hura blaze; uncle denies family linked to intra-clan feud

Police say suspects set phone store alight in Hura; child was in nearby garage that caught fire; boy taken to hospital with second- and third-degree burns all over his body

'We must come together,' say attacker's relatives, calling his actions a 'stain' on the family; but mourners say delegation unwelcome

Joint List and Ra'am parties both slam attack at shopping center that killed four Israelis; PA stays silent

Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, a former school teacher from the Bedouin town of Hura, was imprisoned in 2016 for trying to recruit others to join jihadist group, fight in Syria

34-year-old former terror convict from southern Bedouin town rams cyclist, then attacks others with a knife at shopping center

Manhunt underway for student's father who attacked educator as students were entering classrooms, causing teens to flee in panic; attack thought to be linked to family dispute

Decision comes after questions raised over seriousness of information allegedly conveyed by Yaqoub Abu al-Qia’an, a former Knesset candidate held since June

Fatality named as 25-year-old Saleh al-Sayyid; his nephew was in vehicle with him; woman shot and seriously injured in Abu Snan, police question her ex-husband

Businessman Yaqoub Abu al-Qia’an, who was briefly a Knesset candidate in right-wing Telem party, accused of providing information to Iranian intelligence via a contact in Lebanon
