Avichai Mandelblit pushes ahead with indictment against Likud's Haim Katz for alleged quid pro quo with business associate; bribery charge said dropped
While Israeli sales weren't major, investigators say they've highlighted Jewish state 'in particular' because it likely knew the weapons would be used to carry out 'serious crimes'
Firefly Aerospace, Inc signs intellectual agreement with Israel Aerospace Industries to build for-profit, rapid and affordable lunar missions based on the Israeli effort
Gambit to save PM could also help prevent corruption charges against Shas leader Deri, Likud's Haim Katz and David Bitan; UTJ chief Litzman accused of aiding alleged pedophiles
After crash on lunar surface, billionaire Morris Kahn announces new project on-air, says mission team will meet Sunday to start work on successor to Israel's first moon lander
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