Rocket probably used swift-launching solid rocket fuel, South Korean defense official says; US calls move 'destabilizing'; Japan orders Hokkaido residents to shelter as precaution

Pyongyang says launch of Hwasong-15 missile demonstrates country's efforts to 'turn its capacity of fatal nuclear counterattack on hostile forces'

The launch is part of a record-breaking blitz in recent weeks that Pyongyang says is a response to Washington's moves to bolster its protection of regional security allies

Minuteman III missile is capable of carrying nuclear warhead; US Air Force says launch is routine and 'not the result of current world events'

Iran does not confirm space mission that comes after five failed launches in a row; analysts believe Tehran to test new satellite-carrying rocket called Zuljanah

South Korea alleges rogue state fired projectiles into sea; if confirmed it would be first launch in 2 months; reported test comes as Pyongyang claims its 1st COVID wave receding

Commander of the Russian military's Strategic Missile Forces reveals Sarmat intercontinental ballistic rocket is designed to carry several Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles

Putin hails successful launch, saying Sarmat will make countries 'think twice' about aggressive intentions against Moscow