Bloc's Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson says she's 'very worried' about Johan Floderus, who is being held at notorious Evin prison

As Johan Floderus marks his 33rd birthday in custody, his relatives in Sweden say 'he should be with us celebrating'

Man identified as Johan Floderus, a Swede working for the EU's diplomatic corps whom Tehran seemingly accused of spying for Israel

Negin Bagheri and Elnaz Mohammadi ordered to spend a month behind bars out of a mostly suspended 3-year sentence; ordered to undergo 'professional ethics training'

Two men already executed in case of Basij member killed in Karaj during demonstration over death of Mahsa Amini

Shahab Dalili, a US permanent resident, is held inside Tehran's notorious Evin Prison as his son, Darian Dalili, holds a protest in Washington over his exclusion from prisoner deal

NYT says that in exchange for prisoners' freedom, Biden administration is agreeing to release several imprisoned Iranians and let Tehran access $6 billion in frozen oil funds

Siamak Namazi pens open letter to Joe Biden, urging him to 'set his mind' to freeing him and other hostages, following similar deals sealed by his predecessors Obama and Trump

Poland announces release of Maciej Walczak, as Ireland confirms that it's working with France to spring dual national arrested amid recent protests against regime

Case relates to 1988 killing of at least 5,000 prisoners allegedly ordered by Ayatollah Khomeini in order to avenge attacks carried out by exiled opposition group
