In Jerusalem meeting with Brian Hook, the US pointman on Iran, PM warns Tehran continuing its nuclear weapons work

Brian Hook says world should ignore Tehran's 'mafia tactics' of threatening retaliation if UN restrictions, set to expire in October, are continued

Along with its nuclear program, Aviv Kohavi says Tehran's conventional weapons also a threat to Israel, and it is behind a variety of terror attempts against Israel

Motion calls on Tehran to provide IAEA inspectors with access to two sites suspected of undeclared nuclear activity in the early 2000s; Iran has blocked access for months

Fox News cites report by Baden-Württemberg spy agency saying Iran, other states are seeking to 'complete existing arsenals... and develop new weapon systems'

Israel's intelligence minister says IAEA must do more to inspect locations where suspected nuclear work took place, calls for further sanctions on Tehran

IAEA says it is unhappy with Tehran refusing to open up two sites where nuclear activity may have taken place; Tehran says request based on flawed Israeli intelligence

Officials said to tell Gantz Tehran hasn't increased uranium enrichment during pandemic, but is still just 2 years away from bomb

In message marking country's national nuclear day, Ali Akbar Salehi also touts efforts to construct 2 new reactors at Bushehr plant

Move allows global firms to continue to work on civilian nuclear facilities without drawing American penalties
