For starters, he'd have used the new ties with the Gulf states to help restore the sense of possibility for peace with the Palestinians, and broken the stalemate with them

Khartoum says it will discuss trade, migration deals with Jewish state; US and Israel will help country 'consolidate its democracy, enhance food security and fight terrorism'

Landmark agreement to establish ties with Emirates will enter into force once government in Abu Dhabi issues ratification decree

Friday's normalization announcement speaks of end to 'state of belligerence,' promises economic and trade relations; it doesn't specify full diplomatic ties, reciprocal embassies

Violating local laws, group of journalists and artists from Sudan tell Israelis about the trials and tribulations of promoting normalization with the Jewish state

In webinar, editor of UAE newspaper, head of Bahraini journalists' association say they faced blowback for taking part in online forum with Israelis last month

What a difference a year makes: At 2019 General Assembly, the 2 Gulf states condemned alleged violations against the Palestinians. This time, they hailed their accords with Israel

FM Abdullah bin Zayed expresses hope peace accord with Israel will provide 'opportunity for Palestinians and Israelis to reengage in negotiations to achieve peace'

In new book on Middle East's changing alliances, Sigurd Neubauer explores Jerusalem's little-known role as mediator in rivalries between Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar

In unique, 2-hour Arab-Israel meet, reporters, officials from across region discuss journalists' role in warming ties; Rivlin sends letter inviting Arab participants to Israel
