Jerusalem Jazz Festival returns for seventh year to the Israel Museum and its sculpture garden

Jerusalem event celebrates its 60th year with tribute to culture of years past; organizers say there won't be a livestream as they want to encourage attendance; tickets now on sale

Audiences were thrilled to return to live events that were recorded for at-home audiences, now offered September 15-17

Residencies sponsored by Jerusalem-based event, place artists with the elderly and public servants to form an ongoing dialogue with members of the community

The three-day event will coincide with the rescheduled Israel Festival

With new guidelines of 20-person cap at concerts, frustrated performers bemoan lack of options, accuse the government of discrimination

Annual Jerusalem cultural event moves online, but hopes to welcome some live audiences; program will also include this year's Jazz Festival

The annual arts celebration, usually held each June, now rescheduled for the fall, with hopes to include performers from abroad

From Bach to jazz, and Koolulam to the Israel Festival, Israeli directors work on last-minute changes and delays, contend with cancellations, as COVID-19 scrambles their plans

Two-week event begins May 30, with a jam-packed schedule of local premieres and visiting troupes aimed at stretching the imagination
