Suspect employed at national laboratory involved in issuing passports believed to have booked hundreds of slots, then sold them for cash

Comptroller faults Defense Ministry institute for mishandling project and misleading officials on costs, timetable and ability to produce homegrown vaccine

By focusing on key differences between viruses and bacteria, researchers elicit strong immune responses in mice against Plague pathogen that killed millions in Middle Ages

Israel Institute for Biological Research indicates over 80 percent of volunteers in ongoing clinical trials developed antibodies, Channel 12 reports

Chairman of NRx, pharmaceutical company completing trials for BriLife, suggests vaccine may even work better against variants

Tamir Pardo signs on as board member of NRx pharmaceuticals, which is completing trials for BriLife vaccine in Georgia, Ukraine

230 people who received such dosage of inoculation, still in trials, do not need to get a booster; but others who had lower dosage are unprotected

NRx Pharmaceuticals will send inoculation, known as Brilife, to third-stage clinical trials, which will be conducted on tens of thousands of volunteers in Israel and abroad

Unclear who will replace Shmuel Shapira as head of Institute for Biological Research; rapid inoculation drive has raised doubts about need for domestic shot

Segev Harel, who received much media attention for being 1st to take part in experiment of homegrown inoculation Brilife, says he has since learned he was in the control group
