Central Bank sees economy slowing to 2.3% in 2023 from previous forecast of 3%, assuming that the war will be contained in the south on the Gaza border in the fourth quarter

As forecast, central bank leaves borrowing costs at 4.75%, but cautions about impact of shekel depreciation on inflation and the possibility of further rate hikes

In the Deloitte Property Index of European residential housing markets, Tel Aviv replaced Paris as the costliest city to buy a square meter of apartment in 2022

In report on domestic financial stability, central bank says Israel’s financial system 'remains stable', but raises the level of risk citing overhaul impact

BoI Gov. Amir Yaron calls on lawmakers to ensure legislative changes will be carried out in broad agreement, and will uphold the strength and independence of institutions

Shas lawmaker Yinon Azoulay slams Amir Yaron for penning letter to PM warning against bill that would have let Treasury intervene in interest rates moves, which sunk shekel

Government to reevaluate after banks propose own plans for better consumer terms next week; Bank of Israel governor had called proposal 'serious blow' to central bank independence

Central bank head urges Netanyahu to withdraw legislation that would force banks to pay interest on current accounts; bill to be brought to Knesset vote on Wednesday

Central bank chief instructs banks to fully pass on interest rates to deposit holders and come up with a plan to pay interest on the billions of shekels sitting in current accounts

Consumer price index surprises with lower-than-expected monthly figure of 0.2% versus analysts' expectations of 0.5%-0.6%
